Angular 6 Fundamentals

Google's flagship web framework leverages the power of TypeScript and RxJS Observables to make building component-driven web applications easy! In this course, we'll start with the core ideas around routing, templates, components and services, and then move on to practical patterns for modular app architecture.

Angular 6 Fundamentals

Stage One Modules, Services & Dependency Injection

At Angular's core, you'll find an excellent dependency injection system based around services and their providers. These ideas steer developers toward maintainable, loosely-coupled code while giving them a pragmatic and flexible set of tools, with which they can control sharing and encapsulation.

  • Duration: 240 minutes

Stage Two Templates, Components & Directives

Angular's templating layer starts with spec-compliant HTML, and allows to add dynamic template expressions, declarative components and DOM transformations and more! We'll take a close look at pipes, attribute and structural directives -- highlighting appropriate and practical use cases along the way.

  • Duration: 240 minutes

Stage Three Routing & Modular Architecture

Angular's take on a Single-Page App router is a "light touch" approach, where URL path expressions are mapped to components. We'll study how components can get information about the routing state, and how to organize our app using root & child routing modules. Finally, we'll take a close look at how route guards encourage developers to keep their components simple by moving code that deals with fetching data and entry validation to our services.

  • Duration: 225 minutes

Scalable Patterns

We'll skip the impractical "demo-ware" apps, and jump straight to working with Angular the way successful teams do every day. Our examples take advantage of framework features like server-side rendering and code splitting with little or no alteration required.

Learn how to decide

Rather than leave you with only a list of rules to follow, we focus on ensuring you understand the "why" behind our advice. Not only will we leave you starting off down a path of success, but we'll also empower you to make good decisions down the road.

Tomorrow's Angular Today!

We take great pride in keeping up with the latest developments in the open source technologies we teach. Expect to be working with the latest stable release of Angular, and to be led through exercises that focus on the latest best practices.