Professional SQL

Most developers stick to performing the basic CRUD operations on their database, but modern projects like SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL can do so much more. In this course, we'll discuss a wide range of features that can serve to keep data layer speedy, scalable and consistent.

Professional SQL

Stage One Programming your database

There are often advantages to setting up a database so that common tasks can be performed easily and by name. This way, we can more simply refer to these operations in our application logic, and rely on always getting the consistently correct behavior.

  • Duration: 290 minutes

Stage Two Relational DB: The Next-Generation

Over the last decade, there has been a lot of excitement around databases that are decidedly NOT relational. We have seen a rise in popularity around Key-Value stores like Memcached and Redis due to their pubsub system, and a movement toward “NoSQL” databases that offer greater flexibility for storing objects of widely-varying shapes.

The great news is that hosted relational databases have caught up! Starting with PostgreSQL 9.4 and MySQL 5.7 support JSON as a column type, first-class pubs systems, full-text search and more!

  • Duration: 180 minutes

Stage Three Hosted DB Administration

Most developers put off learning how to properly manage a production database service until a major problem occurs. We will save you this pain, and teach you ahead of time how to:

  • Create and restore from backups (including restoring to a specific point-in-time!)
  • Clone your production data, for use in a staging or development environment
  • Monitor CPU usage, and identify excessively costly queries
  • Duration: 70 minutes