Courses & Trainings

Upgrade your skills, and boost your productivity.

We bring the freshest topics, the most comprehensive deep-dives, and the promise of a deeper understanding of your favorite tools and technolgies.

All courses in category Front End Clear Filter

RxJS Fundamentals
FRONT END 10 hours

RxJS 6 brings the concept of Observables and reactive programming to JavaScript and TypeScript. Rethink the way you manage state and asynchronous workflows, and set yourself up for all the benefits that come along with functional programming.

Angular 6 Fundamentals
FRONT END 12 hours

Google's flagship web framework leverages the power of TypeScript and RxJS Observables to make building component-driven web applications easy! In this course, we'll start with the core ideas around routing, templates, components and services, and then move on to practical patterns for modular app architecture.

React Fundamentals
FRONT END 16 hours

React.js is a component library, which expresses user interfaces in terms of components, properties passed into them, and state they manage internally. Through these encapsulated, expressive and composable building blocks, we can create complex and dynamic interfaces with code that is surprisingly simple and easy to manage.

VS Code
FRONT END 8 hours

Visual Studio Code is a modern, lightweight and full-featured code editor, built from the ground up to suit the needs of web developers - JavaScript developers in particular. In this course, we'll dive deep into using, customizing and extending it.

Modern JavaScript
FRONT END 24 hours

JavaScript is flexible enough to do just about anything, and while this is one of its great strengths, it's also what makes best practices less clear. This deep dive into the fundamentals and latest advances in the language will help you learn how to make the most of it!

TypeScript Fundamentals
FRONT END 18 hours

Adding strong typing to large JavaScript apps with TypeScript helps reduce bugs, and keep developers on the performant and maintainable path. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to be successful when using TypeScript to build web apps with React, Ember.js or Angular 2.

Modern SEO
FRONT END 8 hours

Getting the most out of search engines and social networking is more important than ever! Take advantage of Google, Facebook and Twitter’s most advanced features, and boost user engagement.

Sass Fundamentals
FRONT END 8 hours

Sass addresses many of the maintainability problems we typically experience when writing CSS, and makes writing styles fun again! This basic course will help you make the most out of this awesome preprocessor.

Progressive Web Fundamentals
FRONT END 18 hours

Progressive Web App technologies let you delight your users with the best modern browsers have to offer, without sacrificing compatibility for legacy environments.

Ember Pro
FRONT END 24 hours

We'll go way beyond the fundamentals, tackling topics like authentication, advanced debugging techniques, server-side rendering, modular app design.

This course is designed to help developers already familiar with Ember.js to unlock the true power of the framework.

Ember-CLI Basics
FRONT END 8 hours

Ember-cli is truly a world class build tool, and it's more capable and versatile than most people think!

We need look no further for proof of its impact than angular-cli and react-create-app, as continuations of the idea that Single Page Apps are deserving of first class tools, optimized for their specific needs.

Ember Intro Quickstart
FRONT END 8 hours

In this abbreviated intro course, you'll get a taste for what the Ember.js framework has to offer. We'll focus on two of the most important aspects of building a single page app: routing and components.

By the end of this course, you'll have a sense for what Ember offers, and will understand how it compares & contrasts with React and Angular 2.

Ember-Data Basics
FRONT END 10 hours

Harness the power of the official persistence library of the Ember.js framework.

We'll cover all of the basics you need to know in order to make ember-data the best part of working with your back end, diving deep into adapters, serializers and the store.

Ember Basics
FRONT END 16 hours

A thorough introduction to this opinionated, productivity-oriented web framework, covering all the basics you need to know, in order to get up and running successfully!

This course serves as a solid foundation for a deep understanding of emberjs and modern javascript development.